Other working at { CapTech }
Catherine Moran
IT Organizational Change Manager |
Joseph Wallace
IS/IT Manager |
Other { IS/IT Manager }
Arian Cabrera
Florida Power & Light |
Brad Brown
ELITechGroup |
Brian Hollis
Prospect Sierra School |
Christopher Todd
Detroit Area Agency on Aging |
Dana Hannah
NAPA Auto Parts |
Doug Duncan
Currently Available for Work |
Gilbert Boggs
Hamza Danish
Saudi Intelligent Solutions |
James Cherry
LMC Industries, Inc. |
Jeff Leprowse
Water & Environmental Technologies |
John Horne
Associated Industries of Massachusetts |
Jose Tejeda
Isaacson, Miller |
Joseph Wallace
CapTech |
Juan Pinzon
Prudent Publishing |
Kevin Droz
Kawasaki Robotics |
Kuba Szwacki
CIC (Cambridge Innovation Center) |
Lakshmi Nc
Costco Wholesale UK |
Logan McDonald
Carlile Transportation |
Mark Meiczinger
U.S. Coast Guard |
Matt Hunter
Narses Barona
Rich Hendrix
SantaFe Senior Living Inc |
Rosalie Harris
American Express |
Rosalie Harris
American Express |
Soroor Soltani
General Motors |
Soroor Soltani
General Motors |
Tom Fetzko
McKinsey & Company |
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