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Best Tools To Extract Email Addresses From LinkedIn 2021

30 Apr 2021 | LinkedIn Tips | Author: Usman Khalid

Best Tools To Extract Email Addresses From LinkedIn 2021

Extract Email Addresses

While other social media sites are all about connecting with random people, LinkedIn on the other hand is specifically designed to connect with businesses. Most LinkedIn users want to either showcase their resume or business, if you want to attract new leads, LinkedIn is the best place to start your journey.

You can go ahead and start viewing profiles to locate contact information for businesses such as email, phone number, location address, and so on.

This is a tiresome job, you’ll end up staying in front of your PC or mobile device all day without accomplishing much, I bet you don’t want to go that route either.

You need LinkedIn extraction tools to help you extract contact information from thousands of profiles at once without lifting a finger from your own part. Just make a few clicks and you’re ready to start extracting emails and phone numbers on LinkedIn.

In this post, we present you the best email extraction tools on LinkedIn, you don’t need to spend a lot of time searching and testing tools that don’t deliver any positive outcome or in some cases to end up causing your account to be suspended.

Before that, we’ll share some important information about extracting email addresses on LinkedIn.

Is It Possible To Extract The Email Address Of Someone On LinkedIn?

Yes, the email address of LinkedIn users by default is visible on every profile, when you visit their profile, you can easily see their email address which they’ve registered on LinkedIn.

In other words, the primary email address for that account can be seen on the LinkedIn profile. But on the other hand, users can decide who can view their email addresses as well, they might choose to share contact information with their connections only, or a certain group of LinkedIn users.

You can now see that it’s possible to extract email addresses on LinkedIn provided it’s made public by the user.

By using the right tools, you’ll be able to grab the email addresses of various profiles on LinkedIn. You need to however understand that LinkedIn has changed the game, especially on free personal accounts. They’ve limited the number of searches free accounts can make and they’ve also limited the amount of data you can scrap.

How To Get LinkedIn Email Address For Any Profile

You can either do it the normal way, which is by visiting the profile you wish to grab the email address or you can use tools.

These days there are also Chrome extensions that allow users to scrape email addresses from various profiles on LinkedIn. If you don’t want to use any complex tools, you can start using Google Chrome extensions to ease the process.

And Thirdly, you can use advanced tools that are designed to help you scrape email addresses on LinkedIn without putting in much effort.

With email scraping tools on LinkedIn, you can set your scraping on autopilot, you can be able to scrape emails based on keywords, this means the scraper will visit profiles with such keywords and then extract the emails from the profiles. Later on, we’ll share some of the best tools you can use to scrape email addresses on LinkedIn.

Is It Legal To Scrap Email Addresses On LinkedIn?

It’s not legal by any means and all the tools built by developers to execute such actions aren’t permitted to do so.

They’re mostly built by third parties to encourage spamming on the network. Most users are scraping email addresses on LinkedIn to keep on sending spam emails, you have to be careful on what you do with such email addresses because sending unsolicited email messages especially for marketing purposes can land you or your businesses in trouble.

Back in 2018 and downward, LinkedIn gives users the option to export email addresses from a list of connections someone has, it can be done by using the export feature.

It’s not only the email address that’s exported, there are other data such as name, last name, the company they have connections with, and so on.

This feature, however, disappeared in early 2019, this clearly points out that LinkedIn now hates the idea of scraping email addresses for users.

Generally speaking, all social networking sites including LinkedIn hate the use of automation and when accounts are spotted using automation, they’re terminated without any chance of recovery.

Know that when you’re using automation, you’re placing your account at the risk of getting banned, it’s advisable to use a separate account when using these tools.

Using automation isn’t a bad idea, even though I use them a lot, but you just have to know that it’s not legal to do so in almost all networking sites that exist.

Due to advancements in AI, it’s easier for LinkedIn and other social networking sites to identify accounts using automation. There are still some excellent tools out there that are good at it, and won’t place your account at the risk of termination, we’ll share some of these tools so that you can take advantage of them.

Should I Use Email Address Extractor On LinkedIn?

This depends on the number of email addresses you want to scrape or I can say the number of profiles you want to extract the emails from.

If you have a couple of profiles, you don’t need to use any tool; just visit the profile page and check for the email address or any other information you’re looking for. If you can’t spot the email address, it means they have hidden it for some reason, it could be that you have to be a part of their connection, and so on.

When you have massive profiles and you’re targeting to mine thousands of email addresses, you know that using a LinkedIn email address extractor is the best way to go about it. But you have to choose carefully so that you can execute your extraction tasks efficiently.

LinkedIn will start raising suspicion on your account the moment they detect you’re visiting random profiles; this is applicable to even premium accounts. You want to use extraction tools that can bypass LinkedIn algorithms when it comes to getting detected.

This is some of the basic information you need before you start extracting emails on LinkedIn, we’ll move on to share LinkedIn email address extraction tools that will make your life easier.

Best Tools To Extract Email Addresses From LinkedIn

LiProspect At

This is the best LinkedIn automation for your business, this tool goes beyond extracting leads, it will help you automate most of the tasks on LinkedIn such as finding leads, sending messages, and so on.

It’s a cloud-based app, which means you don’t have to deal with any installations on either your PC or browser. Everything is taken care of on the cloud with an effective technology that ensures your LinkedIn account is safe. Let’s take a look at the features of this powerful cloud-based tool.

Features of LiProspect

 100% safe to use

We’ve already mentioned that it’s easier to get detected when using automation on LinkedIn and other social networks out there, LiProspect is different.

Everything is run on their server in a way that it’s almost impossible for LinkedIn to detect you’re using automation.

LiProspect will automate your LinkedIn marketing tasks in a humanized way, this way the LinkedIn algorithm will raise any flag on the account used. Safety is the most important feature to look for in any LinkedIn automation and LiProspect got you covered because your accounts are 100% safe from termination.

Advanced search

LinkedIn has limitations when it comes to search, there are restrictions on both free and premium accounts. LiProspect searches millions of prospects by using all the filters available on LinkedIn and then allows you to export the results easily.

Send Personalized follow-up messages

LinkedIn users are very busy and without follow-up messages, you can hardly succeed in your lead generation. LiProspect is the best tool when it comes to sending personalized follow-up messages.

A Cloud-Based Platform

There is no need to install a browser extension or go through the long process of installing and configuring an app, you’re ready to start using LiProspect right after signing up for the free trial.

Reply Detection

You don’t want to keep sending messages to your prospects, immediately they’ve replied to your follow-up messages, LiProspect will stop sending the sequences so that you can now proceed with manual follow-up to convert your prospects into customers.

Smart Inbox

Manage all responses on one dashboard, you can see prospects that have responded to your messages and you can reply to them right away.

Blacklist accounts

You can block all the accounts you’re not interested in engaging with on LinkedIn, you just need to grab their profile link and then paste it inside the blacklist manager. These accounts will not be engaged in your promotion campaigns on LinkedIn.

Automate your actions

We all know how boring it is to sit down all day long executing the same task over and over again. LiProspect can automate most of the actions on LinkedIn, let’s take a look at some of the actions you can automate;

  • Connection requests: Grow your network faster by establishing your connections on autopilot. You can specify and target the profiles you want to connect with and LiProspect will take care of the rest.
  • Auto View profiles: The more profiles you view on LinkedIn the more you’ll find LinkedIn users visiting your profile as well. But it will be time-consuming to keep on visiting profiles, there will be a flag on your account, scheduling your visits at certain intervals is the best way to do it, and LiProspect will help you achieve that.
  • Sending follow-up sequences: create your promotion campaigns and LiProspect will take care of your follow-up sequences. Let the tool work for you while you sleep, the sequence will be paused for profiles that replied to your massages.

Campaign insights

Of course, no tool is complete without campaign insights, this is the only way to monitor the progress of your promotions. Not only campaign insights, LiProspect allow running A/B testing to help you identify campaigns that yielded the best results.

Run Unlimited campaigns

You’re not restricted on the number of campaigns you can run; you can run any number of campaigns you want and you’re able to make comparisons between your campaigns so that you can use the best strategies that work for a particular campaign.

Manage Multiple LinkedIn accounts

This is also another great feature of LiProspect, whether you have multiple LinkedIn accounts or you’re managing accounts for clients, you can take advantage of this powerful tool for your LinkedIn campaigns.

These are just some of the features of LiProspect, just head to their website and test this powerful tool with the free trial that awaits you. You have nothing to lose with the 7-day free trial offer you have.

LiProspect Alternatives

LiProspect is the best tool for your lead extraction on LinkedIn, if you still want to explore other options, you can as well use some of the tools below for your LinkedIn promotion;

This is another option if you want to extract leads on LinkedIn, it doesn’t only stay on LinkedIn it also works on other social networking sites as well. It has amazing features such as automating your outreach and also nurturing your prospects. Conduct research on your competitors to pull data from their profile and so on.

Rocketreach helps you connect with decision-makers thereby extracting their contact details. It boasts to have the best and accurate database in the world and they also claim to be the largest.

They have verified data for over 400 million users worldwide, this is huge and you know it’s a service that will upgrade your business to the next level.

Another great tool for extracting email leads on the web, you can extract email addresses on any website on the web with ease. You just need to enter a domain name and the tool will begin hunting.

And last but not the least, GetProspect is a powerful email extraction tool on LinkedIn that can be integrated with your CRM. They have a database of LinkedIn users so that you can trace the email addresses of LinkedIn users with ease.

Automate Your LinkedIn Outreach!
Save Time
Boost Connections
Goodbye to manual prospecting
Start free trial now!

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