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Cold Emails: Best & Worst Days by Day of Week

09 May 2023 | LinkedIn Tips | Author: Tazeem Hajira

Cold Emails: Best & Worst Days by Day of Week

Cold emails can be an effective way to reach out to potential clients or customers. However, sending them at the wrong time can greatly decrease their effectiveness. In this article, we’ll look at the best and worst days of the week to send cold emails and why.

Why the Day of the Week Matters

The day of the week can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of your cold emails. If you send an email on a day when the recipient is more likely to be overwhelmed with work or less likely to be checking their email, your email is less likely to be read or responded to. On the other hand, if you send an email on a day when the recipient is more likely to be checking their email and have some spare time, your email is more likely to be read and responded to.

Best Days to Send Cold Emails

Based on research and data, the best days to send cold emails are generally Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Here’s why:


Tuesday is often considered the best day to send cold emails because it’s far enough away from the weekend that people are back in work mode, but not so close to the end of the week that they’re overwhelmed with work. It’s also not Monday, which many people view as the most hectic day of the week.


Wednesday is another good day to send cold emails. By Wednesday, people have had a chance to catch up on their work from the beginning of the week and are less likely to be overwhelmed. It’s also not too close to the weekend, so people are still focused on work.


Thursday is also a good day to send cold emails. It’s close enough to the end of the week that people may be more receptive to new ideas or opportunities, but not so close that they’re overwhelmed with work.

Worst Days to Send Cold Emails

On the other hand, there are also days that are generally considered to be the worst days to send cold emails. These days include:


Monday is often considered the worst day to send cold emails. Many people view Monday as the most hectic day of the week, as they catch up on work from the previous week and plan for the week ahead. As a result, they may be less likely to read or respond to emails.


Friday is another day to avoid sending cold emails. Many people are already thinking about the weekend and may not be as focused on work. Additionally, if you send an email on Friday afternoon, it may get lost in the shuffle as people wrap up their work for the week.


Finally, weekends are generally not a good time to send cold emails. Most people are not checking their work email over the weekend and are focused on their personal activities. Sending an email during the weekend can make you appear unprofessional and may not be appreciated by the recipient.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Day

While the general best and worst days to send cold emails are important to keep in mind, there are also other factors to consider when choosing a day. These include:

Time Zone

If you’re sending an email to someone in a different time zone, you’ll want to take their time zone into consideration. You don’t want to send an email when they’re likely to be asleep or not working.


Different industries may have different schedules or work patterns, so it’s important to consider the recipient’s industry when choosing a day to send a cold email.

Recipient’s Schedule

If you know the recipient’s schedule, you may be able to choose a day that works best for them. For example, if you know they have a standing meeting on Tuesdays, you may want to avoid sending an email on that day.

Tips for Writing Effective Cold Emails

In addition to choosing the right day to send a cold email, there are also other factors that can impact the success of your email. Here are a few tips for writing effective cold emails:

Personalize the email

Take the time to personalize your email for the recipient. Use their name and reference something specific about their company or industry.

Keep it brief

Make sure your email is concise and to the point. People are more likely to read and respond to an email that is easy to read and doesn’t take up too much of their time.

Provide value

Make sure you’re offering something of value to the recipient in your email. Whether it’s a new product or service, or just some helpful advice, make sure the recipient knows why they should take the time to read your email.


In conclusion, the day of the week can have a significant impact on the success of your cold email campaign. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are generally considered to be the best days to send cold emails, while Monday, Friday, and weekends are usually not the best days. However, it’s also important to consider other factors, such as time zones and the recipient’s schedule, when choosing a day to send a cold email. By keeping these factors in mind and following the tips for writing effective cold emails, you can increase the likelihood of your emails being read and responded to.


Can I send cold emails on weekends?

No, it’s generally not recommended to send cold emails on weekends as most people are focused on their personal activities and not checking their work email.

Should I send cold emails early in the morning or late in the day?

It depends on the recipient’s schedule and time zone. You don’t want to send an email when they’re likely to be asleep or not working.

How important is personalization in cold emails?

Personalization is very important in cold emails as it shows the recipient that you’ve taken the time to learn about their company and industry.

How long should a cold email be?

A cold email should be concise and to the point, generally no more than a few paragraphs.

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