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24 Jul 2024 | | Author: Tazeem Hajira Review And Alternatives 2021
[caption id="attachment_3096" align="aligncenter" width="1298"] Review Review[/caption]   For any business to thrive there has to be a continuous flow of leads and you want to make sure that the leads are targeted; meaning that they should be interested in whatever it that you’re offering. It’s way easier to sell to them than any other type of prospect. LinkedIn is the best platform for connecting and networking with businesses, you’ll find businesses in any niche or industry you can think of with just a few clicks. You have to however understand how to explore the platform correctly or you’ll end up wasting your time searching for the wrong leads or prospects. The best way to use LinkedIn effectively is by using the right tools, you’ll save a lot of time than when doing the task manually, plus there are a lot of tasks you can automate using LinkedIn tools. There are 100s of LinkedIn tools with each one claiming to be the best, but we all know that’s not true. LinkedIn has tightened its algorithm in a way that it’s not possible to automate tasks on the platform, only the best tools out there have made it to provide LinkedIn users with an effective solution for managing their campaigns on the platform. We have picked the best tools and in this post, we are going to review two important LinkedIn tools you don’t want to miss in your LinkedIn lead generation campaign. These tools we’re going to talk about have helped users manage their campaigns without the risk of getting banned or any problem. The tools in question are and, we’ll talk about their features and then recommend the best tool between the two. They’re all excellent tools we recommend, but one has to take the lead in terms of features and effectiveness, you’ll find that out before the end of this post. Review

Copilotai uses AI to help businesses find and engage with leads on LinkedIn, LinkedIn is all about engagement, without it, you’ll absolutely accomplish nothing. Engagement is the backbone of any LinkedIn promotion or campaign and that’s what is all about. They make it easier to engage with your prospects, use this tool to find your target audience, and then keep them engaged so that they’re always hooked up with your content. The AI-driven tool will help you save time from doing manual tasks such as sending connection requests which are time-consuming for most. You can utilize Copilotai to automate menial tasks that eat up most of the time you should rather spend on other important areas of your business or career, let’s take a look at the features offers. Features


Engage with the Prospect on Autopilot

We have previously talked about the importance of engagement on LinkedIn, this tool uses AI to engage with your prospects until a response is received from users that are interested in whatever you’re offering. After receiving a response, you can then give your attention to them and start replying to them so that you can convert them into customers. It’s not easy to end up spending most of your time connecting with leads and it turns out that the majority of them won’t respond to your messages even if you’re interacting with their content. will help you get the attention of interested leads and then let you know when they have responded to your messages. You might think that how can a tool interact with LinkedIn? Well, as mentioned, uses AI to engage with prospects in a human form, your targets have no idea that they’re dealing with a tool, once you set up your messages right, it will take care of everything on complete autopilot.  

Select your Audience

Copilotai ensures that the LinkedIn Sales Navigator is at your fingerprint, meaning that you can easily search for your target audience with ease. You’re able to run your searches and then mine all data that’s on any profile including company details, industry, job title, and so on. All thanks to the AI system integrated into this tool, it’s designed to help anyone create a prospect list with ease, you can then decide how you want to use your list.  

Set up Follow up Sequences

This is also another attractive feature that is important in any LinkedIn tool out there. In order to connect with your prospects, you’ll need more than one contact, you’ll have to send follow-up messages until they respond to your messages. Every LinkedIn tool out there can boast about sending follow-up messages but it turns out that most of them will flag your LinkedIn account and once LinkedIn flag your account for using automation tools, you’ll hardly recover that account. It will be shut down without any chance of recovery, this is something you don’t want to happen for your account; you want to make sure your account is in safe hands and will help you send follow up messages using their advanced AI to ensure that your account is at no risk.  

Manage your Leads

With Copilotai, you’re able to track and prioritize your leads making it easier for managing the leads in your contact. Tracking is important in any business out there, it’s good to measure your performance so that you can improve the campaigns if necessary. Copilotai gives you all the data you need to analyze your campaigns with ease, using their intuitive dashboard you can see the best performing messages and you can view audience engagement as well.  

Message Template

You can’t keep on using the same messages over and over again in your campaigns, you have to ensure the messages are unique to avoid getting flagged. Copilotai offers message templates that make it easier to create follow-up sequences, this way each message will be unique and won’t flag your account easily.  

Campaign Dashboard

They have a simple and clean dashboard where your activities can be monitored, including all the campaigns you have created for your LinkedIn promotions. This is where you can make comparisons between your campaigns, you should pick the best performers and duplicate the strategies on other campaigns as well.  

Get a Demo

Before committing to any of the pricing options, you can first book a demo so that you can see if it’s the right tool for you. This is like a trial to see how the features of Copilotai work before you even start spending your money on it. Visit the official website at to book your demo and see it all works. These are some of the main features of, you can always refer to their website to explore more features or you can contact the support team if you need more information regarding the usage of this tool. Let’s now move on to the second tool which is, which is even better than in terms of features and effectiveness.  

Liprospect.Com Review: Best Option For Lead Generation On LinkedIn

This is even a better option when it comes to lead generation on LinkedIn, it has more advanced and safe features than the previous tool we talked about. It’s a safe tool that can help any business owner run their campaigns smoothly on LinkedIn, LiProspect is a cloud-based tool that takes care of everything from their server. It’s an effective tool that comes with a free trial to prove its effectiveness, you have nothing to worry about since you can explore all the features for free before you pay for any plan. Since it’s a cloud-based app, you won’t face any technical problems pertaining to installations or any compatibility issues out there. Once you sign up, you can start running and managing your LinkedIn campaigns, let’s see the features it has.  

Features Of LiProspect LinkedIn Lead Generation Tool


Increase Engagement with Automation

As engagement is one of the core components of your LinkedIn promotions, you want to make sure that you’re engaging with LinkedIn users at all cost, and LiProspect will automate most of the tasks on LinkedIn safely without getting banned. It’s one of the safest tools you can use for your LinkedIn lead generation when it comes to driving engagement. Let’s take a look at some of the actions or tasks you can automate by using this lead generation tool;
  • Connection requests; This is the first task you want to automate in your lead generation, it’s time-consuming to keep sending connection requests every few minutes. Setting up a tool like LiProspect in action will help simplify the process for you, it will send requests from your account on complete autopilot and most importantly, in a way that your account isn’t flagged. Your connection requests will be sent at a regular interval and in a humanized form.
  • Profile Views; Profile views will also help drive engagement because LinkedIn shows profile visits data, which means LinkedIn users are able to see who visited their profile, and the more profiles you visit, the more you’ll find people sending connection requests. It’s not that easy to sit down all day just visiting profiles on LinkedIn, not just time consuming, but also LinkedIn restricts your profile visits since they can track the activities of your browser. LiProspect will take care of all these problems, they’ll visit profiles using their server in a way that LinkedIn can’t flag your account due to massive visits. Before you however start visiting profiles, you should make sure your profile is complete, meaning that it should look professional. This is because once you start visiting LinkedIn user profiles, you’ll find a lot of these users wanting to know more about it, if it looks good, they will definitely be interested in connecting with you.
  • Send automated follow-up messages; This is also another time-consuming task you can automate with LiProspect. The best and fastest way to start connecting with LinkedIn users is by sending them messages, you want to be sending out introductions and also you want to send follow-up messages until you get a response. When you’re dealing with 100s or even thousands of prospects you want to target, it doesn’t make any sense at all to start sending follow-up messages manually. You want to automate the process so that you can only respond manually to those that reacted to your automated sequences.

Unlimited Campaigns

Another benefit you’ll enjoy with LiProspect, most LinkedIn tools will limit the number of campaigns you can run especially for the cheaper plans that are available. If that’s the case, you’re limited in your lead generation and it’s something you don’t want to opt for. LiProspect offers unlimited campaign management for your LinkedIn promotions which makes it easier to run multiple campaigns at once and also make comparisons between them. Run any number of campaigns you want without the need to pay for expensive plans or whatsoever.  

Advanced Search

In order to have an effective lead generation campaign, you must target the right audience, and the best way to target them is by searching for them. Using an advanced search tool will simplify the process rather than using the LinkedIn inbuilt search tool. It will help you search prospects within your niche and you can refine your searches using different parameters, this will help you get the ideal prospects or leads you’re looking forward to building relationships on LinkedIn. There are millions of prospects to search and you can as well export the data which can be integrated in other apps like CRM and more.  

It’s A Cloud-Based Tool

All you have to do is sign up and start enjoying your free trial offer that comes with all the plans available. Don’t worry about system requirements or any technical problem that often arises during installation, whether you’re a Mac or Windows user, you can start using LiProspect right after installation. LinkedIn is always on the move to block tools on their server and hence a constant update is required by LinkedIn software developers to ensure their tool is in accordance with LinkedIn standards. If you’re to deal with these updates on your device, it’s really frustrating. LiProspect will handle all updates or technical issues that need to be addressed.  

100% Safe

You won’t find any LinkedIn tool out there offering this guarantee, LiProspect is the safest tool you can use when it comes to lead generation on LinkedIn. Protecting your LinkedIn account should be a top priority, lots of LinkedIn lead generation tools out there will boast about having exceptional features, but in the end, will cause your LinkedIn account to be flagged within a few days of using them. LiProspect is able to offer such a guarantee because of the fact that it’s hosted on the cloud, the app will operate in humanized form, all actions and tasks sent from your account will look natural as if you have login to the app to execute the actions or tasks manually. When it comes to safety, LiProspect is definitely ahead of many lead generation tools out there, just a trial will convince you.  

Multiple Account Support

Chances are you’ll be dealing with multiple LinkedIn accounts, especially when you’re dealing with clients or company profiles. You have no limitations, add multiple LinkedIn accounts if that’s what your project demands. LiProspect is one of those exceptional tools that support multiple accounts without paying extra fees, all your connected accounts will be safe from flagging.  

Campaign Tracking and Insight

There is no better way to improve your campaigns than tracking and viewing insights on the performance of each. When you’re running multiple campaigns there is the need to compare the results and see the best-performing ones, you can then point out the best strategies so that you can apply them to other campaigns as well. Whether you’re running multiple campaigns or a single campaign, the insight data is mandatory for tracking your progress and also helps identify campaigns that need to be improved. LiProspect got you covered because you see all the data you need from your campaign dashboard.  

Auto Reply Detection

We previously talked about sending automated sequences with LiProspect, this Cloud-Based tool won’t behave like a typical robot to keep on sending messages to users that have responded to your automated messages. LiProspect is capable of detecting such users that replied to your messages and then pause sending the messages, this will allow you to take over the conversation and start engaging with them to convert them into customers or any other action you want them to take. Once new replies are detected it’s better to send a personalized message to them to build on a solid relationship with the prospect.  

Free trial

Don’t invest your money blindly without actually testing the features that come with LiProspect, they offer a 7-day free trial that allows you to explore all the features of this tool, and that’s because they’re certain about the effectiveness of their tool. If you’re not satisfied with the tool performance, you can cancel your subscription and you won’t be charged for it. You don’t have to take any risk, you pay only after you’re satisfied. These are the top features of LiProspect, and we must say that if you’re looking for a safe and effective LinkedIn tool that will take care of your lead generation on LinkedIn, you should definitely consider this tool. Currently, it’s the best tool in the market when it comes to safety. Let’s now talk about using automations on LinkedIn, is it safe to use? Let’s find that out.  

Are LinkedIn Tools Safe To Use?

This is a topic most people are debating about, LinkedIn has improved its algorithm a few years ago and because of the new updates they rolled out, a lot of users have lost their accounts while using tools. Hence, these users will take side on the fact that LinkedIn tools aren’t worth it. On the other hand, some users have used some of the best tools that are available in the market and have grown their LinkedIn accounts with ease, these are the users that have picked the right tool and have used them the right way. We can now give a verdict that it all comes down to choosing the right tool and how you’re using such tools as well. Even if you’re using the best tool out there but you failed to comply with LinkedIn terms especially when it comes to sending connection requests and sending automated messages, your account will be flagged in no time. LinkedIn tools are safe to use provided you picked the right tool for lead generation and LiProspect is one of such tools that protect your LinkedIn account from getting banned.  

When To Use LinkedIn Tools

If your project isn’t that big, you don’t need to invest in any LinkedIn tool out there, spending a few hours a week can help you accomplish your tasks. But if you’re working for a company that requires continuous lead generation on LinkedIn, you need to find yourself a good tool like the ones we have reviewed in this post. Even though many LinkedIn users are against the use of tools and automation due to the bad experience they had in the past, there is no doubt you can benefit from a lot of LinkedIn tools. Let’s briefly take a look at the benefits;
  1. Make your task easier: since most LinkedIn tools come with automation, we can say that among the benefits you enjoy from using tools is simplifying your tasks.
  2. Save costs: Rather than hiring employees, you can use automation to take care of all the menial tasks in your LinkedIn promotions and campaigns.
  3. Save time: Some tasks will take a lot of time before they’re accomplished, and by letting your LinkedIn run on autopilot, you will save a lot of time. You can divert your attention to other important aspects of your business or personal life.
  4. Build network fast: If you’re on LinkedIn, you definitely want to build a network of professionals or business owners, and the commitment required, you might not necessarily have it. Utilizing these tools will help a lot in building your network.
There are lots of benefits to using LinkedIn tools, the only downside you’ll face is spending a lot of time finding the right tool that will not lead to the closure of your account. This shouldn’t be a problem because we have talked about LiProspect which is the best and safest tool for your lead generation campaigns on LinkedIn.

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