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How to Cancel LinkedIn Premium After the Free Trial?

24 Jul 2024 | | Author: Tazeem Hajira

How to Cancel LinkedIn Premium After the Free Trial?
[caption id="attachment_2970" align="aligncenter" width="900"]LinkedIn Premium LinkedIn Premium[/caption]

LinkedIn Premium

While trying to land a job in a niche I have invested in a whole lot. I embarked on a journey to research social media platforms that will be the best fit for job seekers, recruiters, B2B (business to business) marketers, and many more. I stumbled on Linkedin, a known digital platform that has been in existence since 2013 with over 700 million learned users across more than 200 nations. One of the sole aims of creating this digital platform is to connect, share information or ideas to specific contacts on this competent digital platform. During my research, I got to realize that about 57% of LinkedIn users are occupied by the male gender while the remainder is occupied by 43% of the female gender. Why is that? It is because of the level of applications that have been sent out by the male gender compared to the female gender. It will interest you to know that LinkedIn is the second known digital platform for B2B(business to business) marketers with over 50 million registered businesses and one way LinkedIn gets traffic to their platform is through the use of mobile phones. I mean, you can not beat the number of mobile phone users in the globe. Interestingly, an average phone user uses up to 8.5GB in a month. You can imagine the traffic that will be generated when over 740 million users use the phone to access the platform.

LinkedIn free vs LinkedIn Premium

  Twitter and Facebook are the two known digital platforms that flash on the mind of people when it pertains to a digital platform. It is however not the same for proficient men/women. LinkedIn for skilled men and women is seen as the most known platform for connection.

Linkedin Basics

They are two versions of Linkedin. The first is the free Linkedin version and next to it is the Linkedin premium version. The free version of Linkedin is used by a major fraction of the users of the platform. If you are using the Linkedin free version, you will notice it has an outlook that looks like that of the Facebook application, which includes photos, provision for articles/document, messages, connection request spot. According to the findings from the Linkedin help center, the features that go with the Linkedin free version involves the ability :
  • To connect with experts all over the globe.
  • To have an expert profile.
  • To nurture and grow connections.
  • Receive messages.
  • Edit Linkedin profile.
  • Save at least 2 Linkedin searches and get notifications on them weekly.
Meanwhile, for Linkedin premium, the features that go with it are:
  • Having an access to profile search of about 300 connections unlike Linkedin free that gives you access to 100 profile searches.
  • You can see who has viewed your profile in the last ninety(90) days, unlike the Linkedin free version that lets you see who has viewed your profile in the last five(5) days.
  • Other interesting features associated with Linkedin include keyword suggestions, multi-featured message applicant insight, and open profile.

What is Linkedin premium?

This is a complete club on Linkedin. For those seeking jobs, recruiting and perhaps trying to market their product to one business or another. This club gives different plans which are tailored to a specific niche and your choice is dependent on the goals you plan to achieve within your niche. Additionally, the goal of Linkedin premium is to help users connect more effectively providing them with features that the Linkedin free version doesn't offer.

Types of Premium Accounts

Every user in Linkedin uses the free account, first to her new leads, connect with people and set up a competent profile. The thought of getting new leads will trigger you to dive into other payment plans on Linkedin. There are four Linkedin premiums. They are:
  1. Premium Business: This plan is best for users of Linkedin who are cold prospecting on the platform. This is a paid plan that costs about $47.99/monthly. It is interesting to know that every paid plan on Linkedin comes with a free trial for a supposed period. The feature of this plan include:
_ Ability to see who has viewed your profile even in an unidentified style. _ The enabling to send about 15 inmails to connect to potential prospects that are not in your network. _ And who also has viewed your profile in the past ninety(90) days unlike the basic which is for five(5) days. 2.Sales Navigator: Aforementioned, every Linkedin premium plan comes with the first trial. This plan is solely for those who aim to connect to those who are not part of their connection and are also part of a particular niche and are forceful about increasing the number of their leads. For this plan, the features are as follows: _ Ability to send about 20 in mail messages per month. _ Ability to save and recommend leads. _ Enabled to search profiles limitlessly. _ Real-time sales understanding. _ Ability to build personal leads and get notifications if leads change roles 1.Job search This plan is solely for Linkedin users who are interested in job employment opportunities. After you have used up the free trial, you will be given an option to either exit the free trial or make payment. The features of this plan include: _ Ability to see who has viewed your profile. _ Applicant insights _ Direct messages to job recruiters. _ Open profile. 2. Talent recruiter The plan is also referred to as Linkedin recruiter which enables you to look out and connect with candidates. The features of this plan is that: _ You can send about 30 inmail messages altogether and you are also able to save the templates for these inmail messages. _ You are being able to state the skill you are on the lookout for I.e Advanced Search Filter. P.S: The above premium accounts require a subscription either monthly or annually for it to be activated. And if you have decided to subscribe to the annual subscription, there is usually a discount of 25%.

Benefits of Linkedin Premium Subscriptions

  1. It opens up an opportunity to message people directly especially through the in mail that Linkedin provides you with. If you need as a recruiter, job seeker, or a B2B marketer with the help of Linkedin premium, you can message those who are yet to connect with.
  2. Visibility
The edge Linkedin has over other social media space is that it gives you a notification when people visit your profile regardless of being in an unidentified state which is if someone hides its visibility when using Linkedin basics, you will have a hard time figuring out who the person is. But with Linkedin premium, you can easily detect who has viewed your profile. 1.LinkedIn learning This is an opportunity to learn something that will be relevant to your career or goals. Quality content is prepared by experts via articles, E-books, blogs, etc To enhance your knowledge and this is what distinct Linkedin from other digital platforms. There is always something to take home from Linkedin learning and a subscription to Linkedin premium gives you access to over #15,000 online courses. A few examples of Linkedin learning include:
  • Fundamentals of programming
  • Developing your emotional intelligence
  2.Applicant insights This feature uses the skills and details provided on your profile to link you up with important job vacancies and how well you level up for the particular role.    

How to Get a Linkedin Premium Free Trial

This might be helpful if you are on the lookout for a new job you can just switch to a premium for free. To go about this, follow the few steps below: _ Firstly, type in into the web browser. Say, your name is Mary Ikwuegbu. should be typed into the web browsers and then you log in. _ Next, tap on me icon on your Linkedin homepage. _ Before me icon, a list of options will pop up including the account option. Tap on the settings and privacy. _ When you have typed on the privacy settings, lookout for subscription and payments. _ Below the subscription and payment, you will notice an option with the name, upgrade for free Below this option you will see a write io, unlock the power of Linkedin. Kindly tap on this option to change the settings. _ After you have changed the settings, you will be directed to another page. _ On the new page, you will be asked how you would like the premium to help? _ A list of available options will be listed for you to make a choice. They include:
  • To job search with confidence and get hired.
  • To grow your network or manage your reputation.
  • To find leads more effectively.
  • To find and hire talent faster.
_ Tap on your preferred option and choose a plan. _ After you have chosen a plan. _ Below you will see start my free trial. Top on it. _ After you have tapped on it, you will be logged out automatically. _ Log in again to finish the process. You will be directed to a page where you will see a free trial with the option for monthly or annual. _ Put in your card details and you will be scheduled for the trial period. _ Review your data and start using the premium plan.    

How to Cancel a Linkedin Premium Free Trial?

The same procedure you followed to get a Linkedin premium free trial to cancel, you will follow the same process. Here is a way to cancel Linkedin premium after a free trial: _ First, click on me icon on your Linkedin newsfeed. _ Below the me icon, you will see a list of options including the account option. Below the account option, tap on the settings and privacy. _ You will be directed to another page. Click on subscription and payments. _ Below the subscriptions, you will see a premium subscription. Kindly change. _ Once you tap on the change option, a list of options will appear below. _ Tap on cancel subscription. If you do that the Linkedin premium free trial will be canceled. Even with the use of Linkedin premium to connect effectively. There are still a few challenges one might face while trying to connect with candidates on Linkedin. And this is the challenge of spending much time sending direct messages for a lot of leads/ candidates or perhaps trying to connect with so many Linkedin users manually. The only way to resolve the above challenge is through Linkedin automation tools.

LinkedIn Automation Tool

These are tools in the form of software that allows one to send out connections to different users, formulate/deliver messages to a large Linkedin user and search profiles all automatically thereby replacing the manual method.

Pros of Linkedin Automation

By pros, I mean the advantage of using LinkedIn automation. Here are a few pros of using Linkedin automation. 1.Self-regulating lots of daily duties If you are an avid user of Linkedin, you will admit that there are a lot of actions you will always perform if not daily but occasionally. These vary from job seeking to generate a lead to hiring a candidate and broadening existing connections. To perform all of these actions, you will have to carry out conventional tasks like formulating/delivering inmails, delivering direct messages to people including those that are not in your network, delivering invites to your connection to be a part of your group many more. These are the daily tasks that can be carried out with Linkedin automated tools and the good thing about all these is that they can be done automatically. 2.It is stress-free With the right settings on your automated tool, you can do all your activities while the tool runs on its own without you needing to stress yourself.   2. Receiving ready leads When you properly begin to use your automation tool, there are a few tasks you will perform daily which include the follow-up note. By doing this, you will be able to receive people who have an interest in your services and get in communication with them.      

Liprospect as a Tool For Achieving Linkedin Premium

Aforementioned, a Linkedin premium is a complete club that provides several paid options to effectively connect with others on Linkedin. However, liprospect automated tool can do a whole lot which also exceeds the process of trying to generate a lead, send inmails, cold search, and lots more. Here are the complete liprospect automation suits: 1.Personalized follow-up messages With liprospect automated tool, you can put up a composed personal note introducing your product and services to them. 2.Advanced search Liprospect makes it easier to effortlessly search for competent candidates. 3.Smart Inbox The automated tool comes with a developed function that lets you quickly reply to your message. 4.Blacklist manager. It is easy to blacklist accounts, you don't want to have a further conversation with them.


How to Get a Free Trial

You can give this automation tool. a shot by getting the free trial. Here is a way to go about it. _ Type liprospect into your browser. _ You will be directed to the homepage. _ On the top of the homepage, you will see get started for free. _ Tap on it, you will be asked to start a free trial for free. _ Tap on it, you will be directed to this another page, click on it and fill in your details. _ You will be activated for 7days.


Frequently Asked Questions.

Can I try multiple free premium subscriptions on Linkedin? If presently, you are using a free premium subscription or have already used a free premium subscription. You will not be capable of using any other premium free trial in a minimum of 12 months. And note that during this free trial period, you will not be able to switch plans on Linkedin. Linkedin presently provides free trials for different plans. They include:
  • Linkedin recruiter free trial
  • Linkedin sales navigator free trial
  • Linkedin learning free trial
  • Linkedin business free trial
  • Linkedin career free trial
  • Linkedin hire free trial
  Can I run multiple LinkedIn accounts on Liprospect? Yes, you can run multiple Linkedin accounts on liprospect. The platform is programmed to manage multiple Linkedin accounts with a single click of switching between different Linkedin accounts.

Do I need a third-party application or download a browser extension? You do not need any of the above. Liprospect is a 100% platform that is cloud-based which means that it also functions effectively when your Pc is turned off.

How do I cancel my subscription on Liprospect? Canceling your subscription on Liprospect is pretty easy. Here are a few steps to canceling a subscription on Liprospect.
  1. Tap on the top-right menu and click on the account manager.
  2. When the page pops up, tap on cancel subscription on any paid plan and the subscription will be canceled.

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