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24 Jul 2024 | | Author: Tazeem Hajira Review And Alternatives 2021
[caption id="attachment_3092" align="aligncenter" width="1328"]Linkedhelper Linkedhelper[/caption] Review

LinkedIn is the most popular ecosystem for businesses, especially B2B, if you’re looking for warm leads, you definitely need to join the platform and start benefiting from what it offers. Businesses are always in need of leads and LinkedIn never fails to deliver them to you provided you know how to use the platform right. Some have tried LinkedIn and haven’t achieved any significant results and that’s because they haven’t used it the right way or don’t have the tools that will simplify the process for them. Generating leads on LinkedIn and other social media platforms requires a lot of time but with the help of tools, you can cut the time and still achieve the best result for your business. In this post, we’re going to review and which are the two important tools you don’t want to miss in your LinkedIn promotion. Finding the right tools that work on LinkedIn isn’t easy and most importantly, you need to understand the real truth behind using LinkedIn tools in order to avoid getting flagged which will cause account suspension or termination and that’s why we’re going to discuss using LinkedIn automation first before reviewing these tools.  

Why LinkedIn Tools?

You might ask; Why is the need to place my account at risk to use LinkedIn tools? If you’re on LinkedIn for the past two years and have been using tools, you already know that it’s extremely difficult to use any tool on the platform, they’ve improved their algorithm so much that it’s almost impossible to use tools for managing your account without getting detected. There are many benefits of using LinkedIn tools, it all comes down to what you want to achieve. Let’s share the major ones;
  1. Save your time; If there is one reason why most LinkedIn users fail to generate leads on the platform it’s because they’re not dedicating the time required to remain active and relevant on LinkedIn. It’s really time-consuming to engage with users, like sending connection requests, sending messages to introduce yourself, and all that stuff. An effective LinkedIn tool will help you do all these tasks without actually spending all the time of the day doing that. Everyone that’s using LinkedIn tools is probably doing it to save themselves a significant amount of time because when you find the right tool, most of the tasks can be automated, and provided you’re doing things right, nothing will really affect your LinkedIn account.
  2. Build your LinkedIn connection; LinkedIn is all about connections and if you don’t have them within your network, you can’t benefit much from LinkedIn. The right tools will help you on this aspect, they can search for targeted prospects or you can upload your own list, and then they’ll help you establish a connection with your specified users. Using the right LinkedIn tool will help a lot in expanding your network with ease. If you’re on LinkedIn you probably want to connect with businesses or like-minded users within your profession, and using tools will make the process much easier than if you’re to do it manually.
  3. Cost-effective; Using LinkedIn tools and services isn’t expensive at all; you won’t be spending much in order to use a service that will automate your LinkedIn tasks. You’ll find them offering free plans but with limitations and some also offer a free trial before you’re committed to any of the paid plans available. When compared to hiring a full-time employee or a freelancer, you’ll save a lot for investing in the right LinkedIn tool. Though we must say that using human labor to manage your LinkedIn account is better, the wrong person can as well put your account in danger if they don’t know how to promote your profile within the terms of LinkedIn.
  4. Advanced Search; Your journey on LinkedIn begins with search, you have to search the type of profiles and businesses you want to connect with. LinkedIn already has its own inbuilt search, but you’ll find that you’re restricted in so many aspects. You want to use a tool that can organize profiles based on your requirements, you should only engage with professional and active accounts on the platform because they’re the ones that will be useful to you. LinkedIn tools will help you sort these profiles the way you want with just a few clicks.
  5. Better engagement; Engagement is everything on social media, if you want to get placed on top of LinkedIn searches, you’ll need engagement. The more engagement you receive on your profile, the more you attract new users to your connections. Getting engagement means your content is good and your profile will rank better on the LinkedIn algorithm. LinkedIn tools can help in this aspect a lot. They can help you reply to comments and also send automatic sequences that will make users respond to you.
These are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy when using LinkedIn tools in your campaigns, but does that mean there are no negative sides? Of course, No. There are negative sides also, let’s explain them.   What Are The Downsides Of Using LinkedIn Tools?
  1. Finding an effective LinkedIn tool isn’t easy; We’ve stated earlier that LinkedIn has shut down almost all the loopholes for using automation, this makes it really difficult for developers to create tools that work. There are still dozens of such tools in the market that manage to dodge the LinkedIn algorithm, but once you begin to use such tools, your account will be flagged. Even if the tools are working, they won’t help much in your LinkedIn campaigns. In a nutshell, you’ll end testing dozens of tools out there before you find the one that’s effective. In doing so, you might even give up on using tools to make conclusions that LinkedIn tools don’t work these days. This is something that most LinkedIn users struggle to deal with and it’s really frustrating, but no worries since we’re going to review the best tools available in the market inside this post.
  2. Your LinkedIn account can be flagged; If you have used a couple of LinkedIn tools for the past years, you know that your account can be flagged easily. The LinkedIn algorithm has improved greatly in detecting automation and that’s why it’s not easy to use such tools without getting flagged. Using a tool alone isn’t the only determining factor for flagging your account, it also depends on how you’re using these tools. Even the best tools can lead to the flagging of your account if you don’t send your actions the right way.
These are the downsides of using LinkedIn tools to automate tasks from your account, but as mentioned previously, you just need to do things right which means selecting the right tool and also using it the right way. Now we’ll move on to review and Review

What Is It All About? LinkedInhelper is a tool designed to help LinkedIn users automate their tasks, all the tasks involved in your LinkedIn campaigns can be automated with this powerful tool. This means you’ll save a lot of time and energy by letting LinkedInhelper do the tasks for you. It doesn’t matter what you’re running on LinkedIn, both business profiles and personal profiles can benefit from it to expand their network. Let’s take a look at the features it comes with.  

LinkedInhelper Features

Automation This is the whole idea behind using any LinkedIn tool, which’s to help automated the tasks involved in order to save your time. LinkedInhelper isn’t left behind when it comes to automating tasks on LinkedIn, you can automate viewing profiles or send connection requests; These are the best tasks that will increase your network connections on LinkedIn and you want to do it the same way a human will do. You should remember that even viewing many user profiles can raise a flag on your account, you have to be very careful on that. LinkedInhelper can send messages to your connections, including 2nd and 3rd-degree level contacts you have. You have to interact with other LinkedIn users if you want them to connect and engage with you. You cannot however send these messages the way you want, you have to send them with intervals even if you’re sending them manually from your account. Sending messages massively is one of the actions that will easily lead to an account flag on LinkedIn and LinkedInhelper isn’t the type of tool that will put your account in trouble, messages are sent safely without any problem.   Manage your contacts You can manage your LinkedIn contacts easily, including categorizing them accordingly or removing and replacing the contacts with new ones. You can always analyze your contact list or import new ones to ensure that you’re engaging with the right profiles or candidates. You have to establish a strong contact database if you want to succeed on LinkedIn, it’s not only the number of your connections, the type of users they’re also matters. You want to connect with influential people and brands, they’re the ones that will help your business or career.   Search for thousands of candidates If you want to recruit massively or you want to analyze thousands of candidates on LinkedIn, you can easily do that with ease. LinkedInhelper allows you to search users in bulk based on your chosen criteria. If you’re to search manually by logging into your account, you know how time-consuming it is. It’s better to utilize LinkedInhelper to ease it for you. Use different keywords to search for the right candidate for your company, once you sort a list, you can send them a message automatically to schedule an interview or get to know them better by asking some questions.   CRM Support Almost every business these days wants to use a CRM in order to manage their contacts, LinkedInhelper has an inbuilt CRM that allows you to export your contacts via CSV, then you can import the list into your favorite CRM software or you can use the one that comes with LinkedInhelper. It supports using the Inbuilt CRM since you don’t need to worry about formats and other technicalities during import.   Build a mailing list By using LinkedInhelper, you can set up a mailing list, this will help you stay close to all your contacts. Using the advanced search feature will help a lot in this, group your mailing list with ease so that you can send them personalized messages.   Lead generation LinkedIn is all about generating leads or recruiting candidates, and LinkedInhelper isn’t left behind in this aspect as well. First, you have the advanced feature to target the right audience for your business, then you can build your list and manage your contacts, and thirdly, you can message your potential prospects on autopilot. By utilizing these features, you can start generating leads on LinkedIn without putting much effort. These leads can be exported which can be integrated into other contact management software you might be using, plus there is CRM support as mentioned previously. Overall, LinkedInhelper is designed to help you with lead generation without risking your account.   Pricing LinkedInhelper comes with affordable pricing, especially when compared to other LinkedIn tools out there. The pricing starts at only $15 per month and they all come with a 14 free trial. This is something that’s affordable by most and it has a good return on investment, plus you’re backed by a free trial. You can test the tool right away without the need to pay anything, this makes it fair for their new customers since there is nothing to risk at all. That’s it about LinkedInhelper, you can learn more about their features by visiting the official website at and also start enrolling with their 14-day free trial, you have nothing to lose here, if you’re not satisfied, you don’t need to spend a penny on it. Let’s move on to the second tool which is an alternative to LinkedInhelper to see what it has to offer for your business on LinkedIn. Review – The Safest Tool For LinkedIn Lead Generation

  What Is All About? It’s an all-in-one solution for LinkedIn marketing campaigns, all that you’re looking to achieve when it comes to LinkedIn promotion can be achieved with this powerful LinkedIn tool. It’s cloud-based as well, which makes it the perfect option for your business. There is no need to install an application where you’ll be facing a lot of technical issues. As you already know, LinkedIn is blocking any means utilized by automation software and apps, these apps need to constantly update according to the new algorithm and if users are required to update the app, they’ll constantly be dealing with updates and it’s frustrating. On the other hand, since LiProspect is hosted on the cloud, they’ll take care of things for you. They will always maintain the app from their side without bothering you with updates. With the proven techniques used by LiProspect, you’re able to generate leads safely for your business without putting your LinkedIn account at risk of suspension or termination. LiProspect helps businesses set up an effective promotion plan and then start sending out follow-up sequences that will generate leads for their business. Let’s take a look at some of the great features they have to offer for your business.  

LiProspect Features

Automation This one of the benefits you enjoy with this tool, LiProspect will save your time and resources thereby taking care of all the important tasks needed to harness your LinkedIn generation. You must interact with LinkedIn users if you want to be engaged on the platform, and it’s not all profiles that you want to engage with, you need to search and target the right audience that will improve your business or career. With LiProspect, you have the profile viewer that will definitely help improve engagement. You might ask how viewing profiles can increase engagement? Well, the thing is that LinkedIn shows users who viewed their profile, and most users when they see your profile among the list of profiles that visit them, they’ll as well check yours and in the end, they’ll add you in the list of their connection. They’ll also check out your posts and articles as well. The next task you can automate is sending a connection request, you’ll need this feature if you’re new on LinkedIn. Most of the users you send the connection request to will accept provided your profile is written well and is completed with every detail that describes your career or business. You have to send a connection request on a daily basis if you want to expand your network, but you might not have the time to do that every single day and this is where you let LiProspect handle it for you without risking your LinkedIn account. Sending follow-up sequences is the next important task to automate with LiProspect. Whether you want to send introductions or you want to send personalized messages to a group of LinkedIn users, you can set up your sequences with LiProspect. If you send connection requests and you haven’t received any feedback, there is the need to send follow-up messages, and doing it manually is time-consuming as well as tiresome. LiProspect will take charge here and free up your time. There are still other actions you can automate which can be found once you sign up for a free account, like managing prospects and so on.   Powerful campaign manager Managing campaigns is an important aspect of your LinkedIn promotion and LiProspect is ahead of the curve when it comes to campaign management. You’re able to run unlimited campaigns in your account and manage them effectively. The majority of LinkedIn tools out there will limit the number of campaigns you run or you’ll have to keep up upgrading your account in order to enjoy the benefits. Running a single campaign won’t help much, you need to run multiple campaigns so that you can analyze them and see the best-performing ones and then duplicate the results. You can import your list which can be from your saved contacts or a list you have researched previously but haven’t targeted for your campaigns. Once your list is imported, you can then activate the campaign to start reaching out to them. LiProspect also supports searching for prospects and then adding them to your campaign right away. Overall, you’ll love the campaign manager due to its simplicity and the fact that you can use it without limits.   Campaign Insight You’ll get detailed insight and metrics for your campaigns so that you can always adjust low performers. Not only that, you’re also able to run A/B testing so that you can track the progress and improve the campaigns that aren’t doing well for your promotion. LiProspect allows you to see prospect’s activities, sequence replies, profile visits, and more.   CRM integration is supported CRM integration via Zapier is supported as well, you can import your leads with ease so that you can begin prospecting to them. LiProspect also supports syncing your leads to Google Sheets on autopilot, this is another way to store your contacts.   Blacklist profiles It’s not a good idea to target your outreach on your competitors, it will reveal your marketing secrets. This is where the blacklist feature is very helpful because you’ll have list profiles you don’t want to interact with. This will prevent you from accidentally sending them messages or any other form of interaction. You just need to grab the profile links of accounts you don’t want to interact with and they’ll be blocked.   100% Safety Yes, they offer 100% safety and that’s why they offer a free trial before you commit to any of the paid plans available. You don’t want to lose your LinkedIn account as most tools do, automation is all about using the right tool and also the right way. If you care about LinkedIn profile protection, LiProspect is your best option. There are more features out there that will impress you when it comes to using LiProspect such as Smart Inbox, advanced search, live chat, and so on. Just visit them at to see what they have to offer and start benefiting from your free trial. LiProspect is worth every penny and it’s the best tool we recommend when it comes to LinkedIn promotion.

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