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24 Jul 2024 | | Author: Tazeem Hajira Review And The Best Alternatives 2021

The Best Alternatives

Tools are mainly designed to make our life easier, social media is becoming the best platform to promote any business and also find joint ventures. For jobseekers, they’ll find it much easier to land their dream job on social networks especially on LinkedIn which is designed for businesses or individuals that want to get a job. You won’t be able to achieve your goals just by signing up on LinkedIn with your business details or career qualifications, that’s just the first step. If you let your LinkedIn account stay idle without a consistent promotion, you’re not going to get any results on LinkedIn. You have to set up goals and create promotional campaigns that will help you achieve the goals. This means you have to engage in various tasks to help accomplish those goals, this is where LinkedIn tools play their role to save you time and also improve your effectiveness in performing tasks on LinkedIn. Everyone has their opinion when it comes to using LinkedIn tools, some are against using LinkedIn tools, while some are benefitting from them. How you’re using LinkedIn tools matters a lot, it’s one of the key factors that determine whether your account gets flagged or not, and most importantly, you have to choose the right LinkedIn tool. In this post, we decided to review two of the most important LinkedIn tools that will help your lead generation campaigns on LinkedIn. The tools we’re going to talk about are and, we’ll start by sharing some light regarding the use of LinkedIn tools, their pros, and cons so that you can use them wisely and avoid getting banned on the platform.  

Is it Legal to Use LinkedIn for Automating Tasks in Your Account?

Is it Legal to Use LinkedIn for Automating Tasks in Your Account? This is the first thing you need to understand when it comes to using LinkedIn tools. The answer is a big NO, LinkedIn hates nothing more than using tools to automate actions from user accounts. Using tools is one of the fastest ways to get your account banned without any chance of recovery. Any automation tool out there, I will tell you that is against the terms of LinkedIn, there are of course a few tools for managing LinkedIn accounts that are supported by LinkedIn, but they don’t automate tasks like sending auto connection requests and so on. With that, using LinkedIn tools has to be done with extra care to avoid getting caught and you can do it with the right tool and by using them right away. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using LinkedIn tools.  

The Pros Of Using LinkedIn Tools


Save time for your business

It’s one of the reasons why LinkedIn users are using tools to manage their accounts, by using an effective tool to take care of most of the tasks involved in generating leads on LinkedIn, you will save some time that should be used on other important aspects of your life. A lot of time is needed in order to engage with your target audience or prospect, doing these tasks manually isn’t the best solution for most people because they don’t actually have much time of the day to stay in front of the screen managing their LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn tools can help you accomplish your task in less than one-third of the time required if you were to do it manually. You can see they’re a huge time saver for your business if used properly.  

Will save you from Hiring a Full-time Employee

Before explaining this benefit, you need to understand if your business is able to hire a full or part-time employee to manage your lead campaigns, it’s better to do so than using any tool. However, you want to make sure that your employee has the right experience for managing LinkedIn accounts. On the other hand, if you’re not able to hire employees or freelancers especially if you are running an individual account, LinkedIn tools are there to rescue you. With a few dollars on a monthly basis, they’ll take care of your tasks without breaking the bank either. LinkedIn tools are affordable, as a business owner, you can definitely afford them, this is a huge benefit for anyone that can’t hire employees.  

Network Building

LinkedIn tools can help users build and establish connections with ease or I can say on complete autopilot. You can use tools to establish connections in numerous ways, they can send auto connection requests, you can automate message sequences, and more. These actions will promote engagement and will also increase your network connections on the platform. If you want to increase your network without much effort, LinkedIn tools are the right option for your business.  

They come with Advanced Search

Targeting random users on LinkedIn won’t help you much, you need to define the type of audience you’re looking for and then you have to search for them to build up your contact list. Then you can reach out to your targeted prospects thereby sending them either a connection request or you start engaging with their content. LinkedIn tools will help you a lot when it comes to searching for LinkedIn users in any niche, they will allow you to sort profiles so that you can pick the ones you’re interested in connecting with.  

Engage with Prospects

There are lots of LinkedIn tools that use AI to engage with prospects, by engaging with your prospects you’re also attracting them to engage with you as well. This will make your content visible to them when you create a new post and that means the overall engagement on your account has been improved. LinkedIn tools will help you a lot in terms of interaction with other users with ease. Engagement is the most important aspect of your lead generation campaign and at the same time, it’s the most time-consuming. Most LinkedIn marketers fail because they are not able to drive engagement on their profiles. These are the benefits you’ll enjoy when using LinkedIn tools in your promotion, let’s take a look at the cons as well.  

Cons Of Using LinkedIn Tools


Your LinkedIn account is at risk

The truth is; it’s easier for LinkedIn to spot accounts using automation, there are of course tools that can bypass that and we’ll talk about them in the review section. Secondly, no matter how good your LinkedIn tool is, you can be easily detected once you exceed the limit. You shouldn’t abuse LinkedIn features at all costs; let’s say you want to set up auto connection requests, you shouldn’t send them massively. You need to set things in a reasonable way that looks like human action, most of the accounts terminated from using tools are not as a result of using the tool itself, it’s because unusual activities have been detected which result in flagging of the account. overall, we can say that with proper selection of the right tool and using them appropriately, you are safe to use LinkedIn tools and the risk is minimal.  

The LinkedIn Algorithm is really smart

The LinkedIn Algorithm has been perfected over the years making it easier to detect bots and automation tools. But the Algorithm can be outsmarted as well since there are a few tools that still work and without getting detected by the LinkedIn algorithm. As a precaution, we advise that you create a new LinkedIn account to test out any tool you decided to use for your LinkedIn promotions. Once things are working smoothly, you can then use it on your regular LinkedIn accounts.  

Finding the right tools can be hard

This is also another downside as you’ll end up spending your valuable time testing LinkedIn tools. You have to go through lots of trials before you figure out the one that works the best, you’ll be frustrated while trying one tool after another. Most users will give up on this process and will conclude that all LinkedIn tools are scams, they don’t really work. Some of the tools we’re about to review in this article are safe to use, especially These are the cons associated with using LinkedIn tools in your campaigns, with the right tool by your side, you’ll benefit a lot from them. Let’s now take a look at the best tools you can integrate into your LinkedIn lead generation without placing your account at risk. Review

Skylead is an effective tool that will save you up to 6 hours a day on your LinkedIn promotions, thereby running all your LinkedIn tasks on autopilot. Six hours is a significant time that can be spent on other productive tasks you might have. It’s a cloud-based tool that’s safe to use, meaning that the risk of getting flagged is very low. It’s one of the most powerful tools for generating leads and automating your actions, with you’re able to get 10X more leads than when you’re doing the tasks manually. Skylead help businesses and companies to save on lead generation since they’ll take care of your account promotions, you’ll receive more engagement from users and most importantly, you’re not placing your LinkedIn account at risk. Like any other LinkedIn lead generation tool, it helps you engage with the audience and also helps increase your network connections on LinkedIn. Let’s talk about the features of  

Features of


It’s a cloud-based app

You don’t need to use any browser extension that might compromise your LinkedIn account, you don’t also have to deal with software or app installation on your PC or mobile device, and there are no compatibility issues. Whether you’re an Android, iOS, Windows, or Mac user, you can use for your LinkedIn generation. After signing up, you’ll be assigned a dedicated IP address that is unique to your account only. This way LinkedIn will recognize your activities genuinely without any flag or suspicion.  

Secure and Safe

The dedicated cloud-based infrastructure ensures humanlike activities, making it difficult for the Algorithm to raise a flag on any LinkedIn account using their service. is a service you can rely on when it comes to the safety of your LinkedIn account and, rest assured you’re undetectable by the LinkedIn servers.  

Advanced Personalization

Using’s wide selection of variables, users can customize messages to make them unique. You can add custom variables to your messages, you’re able to add or remove the variables you don’t want including titles or undesirable words in company names. Before your campaigns go live, you have the option to personalize your messages.  

Smart Inbox and Light CRM allows users to manage and respond to messages right from their dashboard. If you’re tired of using the messy LinkedIn inbox, you’ll find Sklylead’s smart inbox really helpful because it sorts out your messages by hot leads. You don’t want to mix your messages with new prospects that haven’t yet engaged with you. The smart inbox has a lot of impressive features such as adding notes, labeling your leads, sorting messages by the campaign, and more.  

Clean interface

The seamless UX and Clean UI are very impressive making it easier for newbies to run their campaigns right after sign up. You can create campaigns in minutes and can monitor everything in one dashboard. They have one of the best simple and clean UX designs when compared to other LinkedIn generation tools.  

CRM integration

Another excellent feature you’ll find helpful, Skylead supports CRM integration with popular tools and software like Google Sheets, Hubspot, Salesforce, and even Pipedrive. Using Zapier, you’ll be able to integrate different third-party tools in your lead generation campaigns.  

Multiple Account Support

The master dashboard supports adding multiple LinkedIn accounts and you can easily switch between any account you want with ease. This can all be done in one dashboard without the need to change anything or the need to log out of your current account and then login to another. Once the accounts are added, the logins are saved and will automatically switch to the chosen account.  

Automate your LinkedIn Tasks

LinkedIn tools without automation aren’t really serving their purpose and not just automating your tasks, it has to be done safely in a way that LinkedIn can’t flag your account. can execute various actions on complete autopilot and will run them safely. You can automate profile views, sending messages and InMails, auto-connection requests, follow company profiles, sending emails, and more.  

Track Multiple Campaigns

You can run and track multiple campaigns in your dashboard, every important metric will be shown to you and you can edit your campaigns as well after observing the metrics. You can run A/B testing and then copy and duplicate data from one campaign to another, you can as well export any information you want or some valuable data from any campaign. Running multiple campaigns is helpful because that is the only way you can improve your campaigns for better lead generation and conversion. These are the top features of and overall, you can see that it’s one of the tools you can trust to handle your LinkedIn lead generation campaigns safely without any risk of getting banned. Next, we’ll review LiProspect which is also another powerful tool when it comes to LinkedIn lead generation.  

LiProspect Review

The next best tool you want to integrate into your LinkedIn campaigns is Liprospect, this is a great tool that can help in different ways when it comes to LinkedIn promotion. Whether you want to extract leads or you want to nurture your leads on LinkedIn and engage with them, LiProspect should be your top priority. It’s also a cloud-based tool that’s safe to use and is capable of automating your LinkedIn task. It doesn’t require installing browser extensions just like the previous tool nor the need to install any app or software on your device. Let’s explain the major features LiProspects has to offer.  

LiProspect Features


It’s 100% Safe

No LinkedIn tool has made this claim, but LiProspect is proud to say that they’re the safest tool you can use in the market and they really mean it, that’s why each plan comes with a free trial before paying for their services. Safety is one thing that most LinkedIn lead generation tools can guarantee, and that’s because LinkedIn has become smarter for the past years, it’s easier to get detected these days when using tools to manage your LinkedIn account. LiProspect runs everything on their server to ensure that all actions are humanlike in a way that can’t be spotted by the LinkedIn algorithm.  

Advanced Search Filter

Your LinkedIn lead generation begins with searching for the right audience, they have to be targeted, meaning that they should be within your niche or their profile has certain criteria you’re looking for. The LinkedIn inbuilt search tool is good, but LiProspect advanced search tool is even better because you can refine your searches using different metrics. Apply all the filters you need in order to get the best results you’re looking for.  

Automate your Follow up Sequences

This is another great benefit of using LiProspect as your lead generation tool on LinkedIn, follow up messages are crucial when it comes to establishing connections and also driving engagement on LinkedIn. Instead of manually sending your follow-up messages, you can let LiProspect take care of it on autopilot. You can personalize your messages to ensure that they force the prospect to reply back to your messages. By personalizing your messages, they’re more unique and will look original to the receiver.  

Auto-reply Detection

After sending your message sequences, some of your prospects will reply back immediately and there is the need to stop sending these messages to those that respond. LiProspect will auto-detect these users and then pause the sequences on them, you need to separate these leads since they’re now interested in your promotions. You should manually take over the conversation, you can get in touch with them via instant chat, and so on. The auto-reply detection must be used or you’ll be perceived as a spammer if you keep on sending the same message over and over again.  

Blacklist Profiles

If you want to block profiles, you have the option to do so, all you have to do is grab their profile URLs and paste them in the field provided. They’ll be blocked from all your promotions. You might ask; what profiles should I block? Your competitors should be blacklisted because you don’t want them to monitor your promotion strategies and they can harm your account in different ways. There are also closer friends or associates on LinkedIn you don’t really want to engage with, you just need to create a list of profiles you want to blacklist and then upload on LiProspect.  


Different tasks can be automated to make your life easier; you probably want to use LinkedIn tools in order to free up some time and LiProspect got you covered when it comes to automation, they do it safely without putting your LinkedIn account at risk. Here are the tasks you can automate on LinkedIn;
  1. Follow up messages; set up your sequences and let everything run on complete autopilot, and most importantly, the auto-messaging feature will stop when a reply is detected as previously talked about, to let you take over the conversation.
  2. Auto-Connection requests; another task you don’t want to be done manually on LinkedIn, LiProspect has the auto-send connection request feature to save your time. You can specify your target outreach and LiProspect can send the request even while you sleep.
  3. Profile views; profile view is important in your LinkedIn lead generation campaign, it helps drive more engagement on your profile. Profile views can increase your connection requests and also more engagement with your content. This is due to the fact that LinkedIn shows profile visits on user profiles, a lot of users will be curious to discover more about their profile visitors and will love to engage with them thereby sending a connection request. LiProspect will do all the profile viewing for you safely to avoid getting detected.

Campaign Tracking

As you’re spending time building your campaigns, you have to track performance and see the ones that are better and the ones that need to be improved or changed completely. You can also duplicate campaigns from one to another, you can compare using the A/B testing feature as well, LiProspect will give you all the insight you need to monitor and improve your campaigns.  

Verdict - Vs LiProspect

These are all great tools you can use in your leads generation, but we suggest you go along with LiProspect and that’s because of its safety feature which is unmatchable to any tool out there.

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