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24 May 2021 | LinkedIn Tips | Author: Tazeem Hajira Review And A Better Alternative Review

If you’re in charge of your company’s growth, you definitely need to take advantage of tools that will help you achieve your company’s targets. If you’re not, you’ll be left behind because competitors are already using these tools to skyrocket their business growth.

If you want to succeed on any social network, you need to take advantage of these tools. Even if you’re not using these tools to automate your tasks, you can generate qualified leads using the advanced search feature that comes with these tools.

Currently, there is no better platform to connect with businesses than LinkedIn especially if you’re servicing B2B, it’s the ideal platform for generating targeted leads in almost every industry.

You won’t be able to explore the platform much without the use of tools, you need tools to help you with research and also reaching out to prospects that might be interested in your business.

In this post we’ll review and, these tools will help you in every aspect of your campaigns, but before that, we’ll talk about using automation on LinkedIn and how safe they’re.


Does LinkedIn Allow Using Tools?


LinkedIn allows a few tools to operate, but they’re not automation tools. That’s to say they’re not the type of tools that send auto connection requests or comments.

This means using automation tools is illegal and that’s what most LinkedIn tools are all about, you have to be careful when using any automation tool and the best way to stay safe is by not exceeding action limits when using these tools.

When for instance you’re sending auto connection requests, you should send in a reasonable manner and at a regular interval without exceeding the hourly limits of LinkedIn.

The reason why most accounts are terminated when using LinkedIn automation tools is that they’re exceeding the limit when it comes to sending connection requests or when sending InMails.

You have to perform the actions just like a human will do in order to avoid getting detected, most problems users are facing aren’t with the tool but rather they’re using it the wrong way.


Should I Use LinkedIn Tools?

It all comes down to what you’re trying to achieve, if you’re the type that has projects that demand using LinkedIn to extract data or reach prospects that are on LinkedIn, you’ll definitely benefit from using LinkedIn tools.

On the other hand, if you have just one or two projects that can be done within some hours, you should rather just go ahead and do the task manually.

But overall, it all comes down to weighing the benefits and downfalls of using these tools. Let’s take a look at the benefits of using LinkedIn tools and the disadvantage as well;


Benefits of Using LinkedIn Tools

  • Creating action sequences; It’s one of the features you’ll find in most LinkedIn tools out there, and this is where you save a lot of time when using LinkedIn. With the action sequences, all your messages can be set to run on autopilot, these include sending follow-up sequences and sending auto-connection requests. Instead of staying in front of the screen to send connection requests every minute, why not put a tool that can do the task at a regular interval, you can set a tool to send connection requests every 3 or 5 minutes. There are different sequences you can automate with LinkedIn tools and they’re truly time savers when it comes to this.
  • Advanced search system; LinkedIn tools come with advanced search systems that allow you to pick the right contacts for your business. You can refine your searches better than when using the LinkedIn inbuilt search. You have the option to export your searches, filter the contacts based on certain parameters or add new contacts to your campaigns right away.
  • Manage multiple campaigns; This is another reason why you might consider using LinkedIn tools. LinkedIn doesn’t have such a feature to run and track your campaigns, but LinkedIn tools will allow doing so. Some tools will allow running multiple campaigns, they’ll also allow you to connect multiple LinkedIn accounts and track all campaigns from the accounts at a time.
  • Track campaign status; LinkedIn can only show you post views, profile views, or how the visitors land on your profile. You won’t get much data from the insight provided by LinkedIn. Automation tools on the other hand provide more insight into your campaigns making it easier to track the progress of each campaign. If you want to do prospecting the smart way, you need a full report showing the performance of your campaigns and only LinkedIn tools can help you with that.
  • Save time; This is another benefit of using LinkedIn automation tools, you don’t need to stay in front of your PC or mobile all day managing and tracking your LinkedIn account. Most of the actions and tasks involved can be sent on Autopilot as mentioned above, this will free up your time to concentrate on other areas of your business. No getting distracted also when you’re working on Important tasks and so on.
  • Saving money; LinkedIn automation tools don’t cost a fortune, with a few bucks per month, you can subscribe to LinkedIn tools that are very effective for managing your LinkedIn campaigns. No need to spend money on hiring virtual or full-time onsite assistants to take care of your LinkedIn management, the LinkedIn automation tools will take care of most of the tasks involved.
  • Schedule your posts; Most LinkedIn tools allow scheduling of posts on your profile and you might already know that LinkedIn doesn’t have any inbuilt feature for scheduling posts. You have to use third-party tools to handle it for you and most automation tools will allow you to schedule your posts the right way.


Some of the Disadvantages of Using LinkedIn Tools

  • They’re not reliable; That’s to say they can easily land your account in suspension or termination. Most of the tools available aren’t reliable because they can be detected by the LinkedIn algorithm. Don’t be surprised if your account is suspended or is even banned completely when using automation. Care must be taken even when you’re using good tools, you don’t want to do anything suspicious that will place your LinkedIn account at risk.
  • Finding the right tool can take time; Since there are lots of tools in the market and all of them are claiming to be the best, it will be difficult to find the right tool that will not flag your LinkedIn account. You’ll be jumping from one tool to another hoping to find a working one.
  • The LinkedIn algorithm is getting smarter; Even the best tools out there can be detected by the LinkedIn algorithm. LinkedIn is always hunting down tools that are popular, they have their developers monitoring these tools to find out how they work so that they can block their usage on the platform. This is the reason why when a LinkedIn tool becomes popular, it will stop working for LinkedIn users.

Here you have it, the advantages and disadvantages of using LinkedIn tools and automation.


What’s The Best Solution, Should I Ignore Using LinkedIn?

Most bloggers and LinkedIn users won’t recommend using tools and automation on LinkedIn, but we can say that it depends on how you’re using these tools. Just because they’re tools, it doesn’t mean you should start sending massive actions, this is the surest way to get your account banned on LinkedIn.

You have to run the actions just like you would do when you log into your account through a browser. While using LinkedIn tools and automation, your actions should look like they’re been done by a human, and most importantly, the tool you choose matters a lot. Review

Zopto is a cloud-based app that’s designed for sales teams and startups to help them automate their customer acquisition and lead generation from users that are out of their connection or market.

They have powerful features such as having a dedicated account manager, advanced search filters, lead generation campaigns, a Live Dashboard, and more.

Zopto allows you to reach out to your prospects using specified filters like industry, location, number of connections and followers, professional level, title, and more.

The Cloud-Based app can initiate conversations on autopilot and can also generate leads based on your criteria and then add them to your favorite CRM software with the help of Zapier. Let’s take a look at the features it comes with.


Features of

Cloud-Based App

No software installation or any app installation required, which means you don’t have to deal with installation problems or compatibility issues with your device. The moment you sign up, you’re ready to get started. Dealing with updates can be frustrating, they’ll take care of everything on their server.

LinkedIn is doing all its best to ensure that automation tools are blocked and hence the developers of these tools have to constantly work on updating the app but you won’t be bothered with that since they’ll take care of everything on the cloud.


Simple and Easy to Use

With a clean and simple user interface, Zopto comes with an easy-to-use dashboard that every internet user can start using the tool. It has a user-friendly interface that’s perfect for beginners. You can figure out how to use the dashboard on your own, plus you have all the guides you need to get started.


InMail Templates

You’ll definitely be sending InMails when generating leads on LinkedIn, and this is where the InMail templates offered by Zopto will help you. Instead of sending the same message over and over again, you can use these templates to personalize your messages and make them unique to avoid getting flagged. If you don’t have ideas to compose your messages, you can always take advantage of these templates.


A/B Testing

By using this feature you can identify the best results from your campaigns and you can use them to improve the quality of your leads. You can also use the same results on other campaigns.


Advanced Search Filters

No LinkedIn automation tool out there is complete without search filters because you’ll need a targeted audience for your campaigns. Zopto search filters will help you find the best leads that match your business, the LinkedIn inbuilt search filters will not provide such options to refine your searches for better results.

These are some of the noticeable features of Zopto, check for more on their website. This is a good tool you can incorporate in your LinkedIn generation campaign. One of the downsides of the Zopto tool, however, is that they don’t offer a free trial.

This is a big downside because with so many LinkedIn out there offering the same service, they should at least allow users to test the effectiveness of their tool before they charge for paid plans.

Any LinkedIn tool that works and can help in lead generation should offer a free trial to its new subscribers. Zopto has a miss on this one and it’s up to you to decide on whether to use the tool or not.

The second downside is that it’s very expensive, the personal account option will cost you $215/Month, this is way more expensive than a lot of the LinkedIn tools available in the market. With such a high price, they should offer a free trial or a cheap trial option for their customers to test the app.

Let’s move on to another powerful tool that will help you in LinkedIn lead generation, this tool is and it offers a free trial before selecting any of the affordable plans available.


LiProspect Review – A Better Alternative to Zopto

If you’re looking for a better alternative to Zopto, you should consider using LiProspect, they offer a 7-day free trial before choosing their plans. This is a great tool that is way better than other LinkedIn tools and automation especially when it comes to safety.

They offer a 100% safety guarantee to their users and that’s the most important factor to consider before choosing any LinkedIn tool since their algorithm is getting smarter to nab accounts that are using automation.

LiProspect is a cloud-based app that simplifies lead generation on LinkedIn without putting your account at risk. Let’s take a look at the features that come with this powerful LinkedIn automation tool.


LiProspect Features


No mobile app, no PC software, or browser extension, LiProspect is 100% hosted on the cloud. Any technical problem when updates are required, they’ll fix it from their part.

Don’t worry about compatibility issues, start using LiProspect right after registering for an account. LinkedIn cloud-based apps are safer to use than apps requiring installation, users will be dealing with endless updates and it’s easier for LinkedIn to detect applications installed on user devices.


No risk, 100% safe to use

LiProspect is designed with LinkedIn account safety in mind, this is where most LinkedIn tools fail, they’ll be working and have awesome features, but will end up flagging your account within a few days or in some cases within some hours after use.

Safety is what makes LiProspect stand out from the crowd, you can run multiple accounts without the worry of account suspension or complete ban.


Automate Your Tasks

Most LinkedIn tasks are time-consuming and you can’t generate leads without these tasks. When you signup for a new account, you’ll find that you don’t have many connections, even if you manage to import from your email contacts, they’re still not enough.

You have to be sending InMails, connection requests, and more if you want to increase your network cycle on LinkedIn. Here are some of the tasks you can automate with LiProspect;

  • Follow-up sequences: Sequence messages are important when you want to get in touch with LinkedIn users. With LiProspect you can automate your message sequences such as sending auto InMails or adding comments on posts and so on.
  • Connection requests; They’re time-consuming as well, you’ll end up spending your productive time on menial tasks. Sending connection requests is still important, but if you can automate it without any risk, shouldn’t you just let a tool take care of it for you? LiProspect can handle sending connection requests just like a human will do to ensure your account is safe without crossing the limits.
  • Auto View Profiles; Most LinkedIn users are not aware of how effective it is to view user profiles on LinkedIn. When you visit user profiles on LinkedIn it will result in reciprocity, especially if you viewed a profile multiple times. LinkedIn allows users to see who viewed their profile and they will mostly take note, they’ll also visit your profile and probably send you a connection request which is something you’re looking forward to. LinkedIn is tracking your browser and if you view lots of profiles within a short period of time, they’ll flag your account. LiProspect will help you do it safely without risking your LinkedIn account.


Auto Detecting Replies

We mentioned that sending follow up sequences is among the leading features of LiProspect, it will happen that some LinkedIn users will reply to your automated sequences and in such a case, the messages for the user that responded with a reply should be stopped, if not, they will assume you’re a spammer and they can guess you’re using automation.

The reply detection feature of LiProspect will pause the message sequences whenever a reply is detected from any user. This will allow you to take over the conversation by replying manually and you can easily turn them into your customers.


Blacklist Accounts

Not all accounts you want to connect with on LinkedIn, you don’t want to connect with your competitors because they’ll be spying on your promotions and can be the reason why your LinkedIn account could be flagged thereby reporting you.

You should block your competitors from accessing your profile activities at all cost. Any group of people you don’t want to be interacting with should be blocked as well. You should generate a user list and then upload them on LiProspect to ensure that there is no engagement between your accounts.


Advanced Search

The advanced search on LiProspect will allow you to generate high-quality leads that match your business, if you’re looking for a job you can use the search filter to find recruiters and companies looking for your skills and also locate job listings easily.

Building an effective LinkedIn campaign starts with solid research and that’s why you need LinkedIn advanced search tools with multiple filters that will help you extract the best leads on the platform.


Run Unlimited Campaigns

It’s one of the advantages of using LinkedIn tools to run your campaigns, the multiple campaign support ensures that your LinkedIn promotion is moving fast, which means you can achieve goals and targets quickly.

LiProspect doesn’t restrict users when it comes to running multiple campaigns. You can run multiple campaigns and then analyze them to see the best-performing ones and also improve the least performing campaigns.


Connect Multiple LinkedIn Accounts

You can manage multiple accounts at once with LiProspect, if you’re working with clients, you’ll definitely need more than one LinkedIn account.

Agencies also will find themselves needing more than one account, you don’t need to worry about signing into an account and then have to log out before using another account. At LiProspect, connect all your accounts and also all campaigns together with ease.


Get Insights for Your Campaigns

You can’t improve your campaigns without tracking their performance. LiProspect has all the insight and statistics data needed to monitor the campaigns you’re running. Monitor all your campaigns and you can also run A/B testing to find the best ideas that work.

That’s a little bit about LiProspect, you have seen that it’s a powerful tool that can help you in lead generation, the question now is: which should you choose between and Well, Zopto is very expensive, costing over $200 and the worst part is that they don’t offer a free trial.

That’s why we picked LiProspect as the best tool, they offer a no-risk 7 day free trial to new subscribers and it’s a good move to prove that their tools work when it comes to LinkedIn generation and automation. Don’t hesitate in giving LiProspect a try, you have nothing to lose.

Automate Your LinkedIn Outreach!
Save Time
Boost Connections
Goodbye to manual prospecting
Start free trial now!

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