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How Do I Reactivate My LinkedIn Account After Deleting

20 May 2021 | LinkedIn Tips | Author: Tazeem Hajira

How Do I Reactivate My LinkedIn Account After Deleting

How To Open a LinkedIn Account

Reactivate LinkedIn Account

It is not news that one of the best platforms that can be used to network with fellow professionals across various fields as well as connect potential employers to potential employees is LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a social networking service used majorly for professional and corporate networking and also to post available employment opportunities for job seekers while also letting job seekers post their resumes and apply for jobs on the app or website.

The LinkedIn social networking platform is the biggest platform that serves as a professional pool and it is so widely appreciated that it reportedly has over 700 million registered users across hundreds of countries. However, as appreciated as it is I decided to delete my LinkedIn account a few months back because I realized I couldn’t keep up with it.

I had so many emails from potential clients, requests to the network, and even unsavory emails from individuals I didn’t want to connect with, and my head was just boggled with all the notifications that kept popping in.

So when I came to the realization that I couldn’t continue like that I made the decision to delete my account.

However, after deleting my account I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had let go of a great platform, one that could have been a great game-changer for my business marketing and professional connections and brought in more work for me.

So I decided to do extensive research to see if there was any tool I could make use of, that would ultimately make using LinkedIn an easier task for me and I found several ones of which I preferred LiProspect.

LiProspect is a LinkedIn automation tool that helps you in managing your emails, replies, prospecting, marketing, and even in automatically blacklisting accounts you don’t want to connect with. And the best part of LiProspect is that it is a safe cloud-based tool with a humanized algorithm.

By the time I discovered I could use LiProspect to automate my LinkedIn account, which meant that I didn’t have to deal with unread and unreplied emails, hundreds of notifications as well as spam accounts, I knew I had to get my LinkedIn account back.

I had to make my own research and findings to know how to go about reactivating my account after deleting and I’ll be sharing that with you in this article.

However, before that, I would share with you how to open a LinkedIn account peradventure if you don’t have one and also how to delete it in the event that you want to. Although, you probably don’t need to delete your account now that LinkedIn automation and management tools like LiProspect are available for use.

Whether you’re opening, deleting, or reactivating your LinkedIn account the steps you need to take to achieve them are fairly simple ones. But there are conditions and consequences attached to each and I’ll be sharing that as well in this article.


How To Open a LinkedIn Account

First, before opening a LinkedIn account you need to ensure you’re opening it for the right and appropriate reasons and not just because of FOMO (the fear of missing out). There are just a few things you should consider before finally settling in opening that LinkedIn account:

  1. Do you possess the time and resources needed to maintain your account on the LinkedIn platform? If you think you will be able to conveniently give the time to maintain your account on the platform, then you should go ahead and utilize the platform. But if not, it would be better for you to wait till you actually have the time required to invest in maintaining the account. Although, tools like LiProspect make automation and prospecting on the LinkedIn platform so much easier and reduces the burden of maintaining the account on you.
  2. Do you prefer the professional level you are right now and want no changes? If you are an entrepreneur or professional who likes the level at which they work now and are not looking for more clients, jobs or anything then you might not need to open an account except if you simply want to get to know other professionals or entrepreneurs in your field and connect with them on the surface level.
  3. Will using the LinkedIn platform prevent you from paying adequate attention to the other important aspects of your life? If you’re the type of person who gets carried away by social media content and could therefore be carried away by LinkedIn content then you might need to stay away from the platform until you can discipline yourself and strike the right balance.

However, if you’re sure that none of these factors will affect your ability to optimize the LinkedIn platform then by all means open an account.

Just follow these steps to open your LinkedIn account:

  • Visit the LinkedIn official website at or open the LinkedIn app that was downloaded from the IOS store or Google play store.
  • Click on Join now in the top corner of your screen or Sign up.
  • Fill in your required information i.e your names, email address, and a chosen password as requested on the redirected page, and click agree and join when you’re done.
  • A security check will pop up once you click on agree and join. The security check could be in the form of a CAPTCHA or a phone verification where an SMS or call is put through to your phone with a needed security code.
  • Once done, you’d be directed to a new page requesting details of your country, province, and city, and then click next when your details are filled.
  • The next page will require details of your most recent or present job designation/position, the company worked for, and your work industry. You can also just select I am a student if applicable to you. Click continue when you’re done.
  • You will be redirected to a page requesting the confirmation code sent to the email address used in registering your new account.
  • Confirm the code and click on agree and confirm.
  • Once you’re done with all these you will be automatically redirected to the homepage of your new LinkedIn account.

When you’re finally redirected to the LinkedIn homepage navigating it is the next thing to know. In navigating it knowing what the following icons are for will be of great help.

  • Home which is the general LinkedIn page gives you access to see the different content posted by different registered users.


  • My Network which gives you access to see the professionals you have connected with, the ones you have an invite to connect with, and people you might know in general.


  • Jobs which gives job seekers access to search for jobs or view jobs suggested for them according to their job filters and registered job information.


  • Messaging which gives you access to your sent and received messages.


  • Post which gives you access to post whatever content you might want to on your LinkedIn page to be viewed by other professionals.


  • Notifications that give you access to view updates about you such as a new connection invite/acceptance, reactions, and comments to your posted content, updates about changes in work/company, anniversaries, etc.


  • Me which gives you access to your profile page where you can view and make the changes you want to your profile, access to where you can manage your account settings, and reach out to the LinkedIn Help Center.

Opening a LinkedIn account gives you access to a community of professionals and can be a lot to manage, you could become overwhelmed, choose not to use a convenient automation tool like LiProspect, and decide to delete the app or you could get to a point in your career where you think that LinkedIn has nothing more to offer you. Whichever the case may be deleting your LinkedIn account permanently is not a Herculean task.

If the reason you want to delete your account is because of the overwhelming number of emails and notifications you get, you might consider just setting the frequency of your email and notifications to a bearable level rather than deleting your account entirely.

Follow these steps to manage your communications preferences:

  • Click the Me icon on your LinkedIn page
  • Select settings and privacy from the options that pop up.
  • Select communications on the next page you’re directed to.
  • Individually choose and make changes to the options provided according to your preferences.

All the changes you make are automatically saved on either the LinkedIn app or on the website if used. Once you’ve changed your settings to suit your preferences you should now be able to manage your account conveniently.

Another alternative to permanently deleting your LinkedIn account would be to hibernate the account. However, hibernating your LinkedIn account only gives you a reprieve of 24 hours. During which you can critically consider changing your communications settings to a more suitable preference, use a LinkedIn automation tool such as LiProspect, or go ahead with deleting the account.

To hibernate your account simply follow these steps:

  • Click the Me icon on your LinkedIn page
  • Select settings and privacy from the options that pop up.
  • Tap on the account preferences from the options before you
  • Select account management and click on change
  • Select the best option that signifies why you want to hibernate the account.
  • Enter your password and then tap on hibernate account.

You can reactivate your account after 24hours by simply logging in with your details on the website or mobile app.

It is however important for you to know the following things about hibernating your account:

  1. You would have to take additional steps to hibernate your account if associated with any product or enterprise on the platform or if you’re an admin of a LinkedIn group.
  2. Your premium subscription if you’re on one will have to be canceled before you can hibernate the account or it will be canceled automatically after hibernation.
  3. Your profile won’t be visible to anyone and you will only be referred to as an anonymous LinkedIn user and your profile won’t appear in searches.
  4. Your recommendations, posts, and messages will remain visible but will show as belonging to ‘A LinkedIn Member’.

Another alternative is also to set your LinkedIn profile to private mode. The LinkedIn private mode gives you the opportunity to remain anonymous and unknown on the social platform and reduces the connection and network requests you have from other registered users since your information and profile details are hidden.

Being in private mode also means that you don’t have to see the people interested in connecting with you and you only know those who visit your page or want to connect with you if you are a LinkedIn premium member.

Setting your profile to private mode allows you to check out your competition, see other professionals in your field without the burden of connections, notifications, or emails.

To activate private mode for your LinkedIn account simply follow these steps:

  • Click the Me icon on your LinkedIn page
  • Select settings and privacy from the options that pop up.
  • Go to visibility as seen in the options you can choose from
  • Select profile viewing options from the options on the page
  • Pick private mode from all the modes displayed before you.

The modes that will be displayed are:

  • Public mode: that displays all of your profile information and details
  • Semi-private mode: which displays only your job title and industry
  • Private mode: which displays no information at all and it describes you as ‘A LinkedIn Member’.

However, it is quite possible that you’d still prefer to permanently delete the account despite all of these alternatives afforded you and that is a decision you should ensure you’re making with a full understanding of what it entails and what the consequences are.

Choosing to close your LinkedIn account permanently essentially means that:

  1. You’re deleting your LinkedIn profile and totally removing access to your information on the LinkedIn website or app.
  2. It means that you will lose all the endorsements and recommendations you might have given or received in the course of using the LinkedIn platform.
  3. You will also lose all the messages and connections you had once the account is deleted.

If you would like to go ahead with closing your account, simply follow these steps to delete and deactivate your LinkedIn account immediately and permanently:

  • Click the Me icon on your LinkedIn page
  • Select settings and privacy from the options that pop up.
  • Tap on the account preferences from the options before you
  • Scroll down and choose close account from the options
  • Click continue to show you’re sure of your decision
  • Choose a reason for closing the account from the option on the next page
  • Enter your account password on the next page and then click on close account.

Once you’ve followed these steps your account will be permanently closed.

After deleting your LinkedIn account search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo will still display your information but only temporarily and this is as a result of how they collect and update their information.

If you’re like me and you went ahead to delete your account only to regret the move later on then this part of the article is majorly for you.


How to Reactivate Your Closed LinkedIn Account

Thanks to the foresight and generosity of the LinkedIn creators there is a chance to reactivate and restore your account after earlier deleting it.

However, you only have a grace period of 14-20 days to reactivate a deleted account after which it is permanently wiped out.

Unfortunately, while it is possible to reactivate your account within 14-20 days of deleting it certain details will not be recovered along with the account. These unrecoverable details are:

  1. Group memberships you had while you still had an active LinkedIn account.
  2. Followings from other registered members and companies.
  3. Unattended invitations sent or received whether they were pending or ignored.
  4. All endorsements and recommendations given by you or given to you by other registered members.

Going about getting all of these lost details back is not an easy task and might even be impossible, and this is why you must be completely sure before deleting your LinkedIn account.

Reactivating your account is something that could be done directly within a short period of time, you only need to try to log back in with your previous account details and credentials.

  • Open the LinkedIn mobile app or website
  • Click sign-in on the page
  • Input the email address and password registered to the account you are trying to recover.
  • Click reactivate to start the process of recovering and reactivating your deleted account.
  • You will receive an email from LinkedIn trying to confirm that you really want to reactivate the account.
  • Click the link in the email and confirm
  • You will be redirected to the homepage of your account once all of this is done.

To recover your deleted account, you can also go through the email sent to you as a notification of the closure of your account. The email will contain a link of reactivation, simply click on the link and follow the instructions that follow. If the link has expired and doesn’t work again you will be redirected to the sign-in page where you can also fill in your details and reactivate your account.

In conclusion, rather than go through the stress and uncertainty that comes with deleting your account it would be better for you to consider modifying your settings and preferences.


And rather than just modifying these preferences you might as well give yourself an edge, go the extra mile, and fully optimize the LinkedIn platform by making use of the LiProspect tool which fully automates and prospects your LinkedIn account using the safest cloud-based space and a fully humanized algorithm.

It is not news that one of the best platforms that can be used to network with fellow professionals across various fields as well as connect potential employers to potential employees is LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a social networking service used majorly for professional and corporate networking and also to post

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