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What Are The Best Tools For Mining Data On LinkedIn?

26 May 2021 | LinkedIn Tips | Author: Tazeem Hajira

What Are The Best Tools For Mining Data On LinkedIn?

Best Tools For Mining Data

Currently, Data is the most valuable asset in the world, if you have data about people and their behavior, you’ll definitely make it big. A lot of companies are in the business of selling data for millions if not billions of dollars to production companies and firms offering various services.

If you’re servicing B2B, you definitely want to take advantage of the profile data on LinkedIn, a lot of companies are making huge money by extracting data on LinkedIn and since you land on this post, you also want to mine and pull data from this giant network.

I believe you’re already tired of checking profiles manually in order to get the data for businesses and individuals on LinkedIn.

You already know LinkedIn is a rich source of information like employment skills, geographic info, business, the topic of interest, and so on.

This information is priceless to information officers and marketing officers and chances are you’re one of these two.

Even if you’re not, you’ll still benefit from data mining on LinkedIn, and whatever reason it is that you want to pull data from this network, we’ll share the ways and the tools you can use to extract all the data you need on LinkedIn. Stay with us till the end to learn more information about data mining on LinkedIn.


Does LinkedIn Allow Data Mining?

You want to be on the safe side before you start mining data on LinkedIn and the first step towards that is understanding the legalities.

LinkedIn doesn’t support using tools to mine data from user profiles, they require that you log into your LinkedIn account to visit profiles so that you view the information you need. By default, profile information is public and that means LinkedIn doesn’t prevent users from viewing such information.

What they hate is using tools and automation that are not even authorized to scrape hundreds of thousands of profiles at once and export the data on a single file such as email address, phone number, interests, and so on.

It can now be concluded that it’s not legal to mine data on LinkedIn but this doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of LinkedIn data mining tools, you just have to be careful on doing that and you need to choose your tools wisely.

Using data mining tools is against their terms of use and if they ever spot an account that’s extracting data using automation tools, it will be suspended or will be banned from using the platform.


How Do Tools Mine Data On LinkedIn?

When you follow the traditional way, you’ll have to visit a profile and then start going through the data displayed on the profile page.

Data mining tools also do the same, they’ll crawl through the pages added or they can search for the pages based on the criteria given, then they’ll go through each page and will create entries for you on autopilot so that you’re able to export the data you need on a single file.

It’s important to understand that LinkedIn is not as it used to be in the past, LinkedIn now has limitations on every action including searches and profile views.

The moment you set up a tool to begin scrawling pages without limit, the account used will be blocked. It has to be done with intervals if you want the action to look human.


Should I Still Go Ahead And Use Data Mining Tools On LinkedIn?

Why not, as long as you’re targeting massive individuals on the platform. It doesn’t make sense to start copying data manually from profiles when you have thousands of them in your file.

If you don’t even have the profiles you want to mine the data from, mining tools can search for the profile pages and can as well pull the data for you so that you can export in a single file.

If you have a few profiles you want to mine data from, no need to take the trouble of using or buying any LinkedIn data mining tool.

If you have not more than 100, you can consider hiring a virtual assistant to do the task, but on the other hand, if you have thousands or even hundreds of thousands of profiles, you definitely need to consider using data mining tools for LinkedIn.


Best Tools For Mining Data On LinkedIn

Since you’ve seen some of the ins and out of data mining tools on LinkedIn, let’s now share with you some of the best tools that are in the market.



If you’re starting data mining on LinkedIn, this is the first tool we recommend. LiProspect is not only designed for data mining, it is designed to help individuals and businesses to improve their lead generation.

The tool doesn’t require any installation on your PC or Mobile device, it’s available on the cloud. It’s one of the safest tools out there, with dozens of tools and browser extensions in the market, only a few of them are safe to use.

They’ll end up suspending your account which is a big mess for your business. LiProspect comes with impressive features, we’ll talk about them briefly so that you can see what they have to offer to their subscribers.


LiProspect Features

Hosted on the Cloud

Most of the LinkedIn automation tools out there require installing an app on either your PC or Mobile device and the user will face technicalities during installation or their device isn’t supported. You’ll also be required to install updates that might not be compatible with your device.

LiProspect will take care of everything on the cloud, when an update is required, they’ll handle it from their part without the need to bother you with installing a new version. Straight after sign up, you’re able to start using LiProspect and improve your lead generation.


100% Safe

Safety comes first and most LinkedIn tools out there can’t guarantee you that, LiProspect is proud to mention that their tool is 100% safe to use.

This means that you’re not placing your account at any risk, they’ll ensure that every action is done in a humanized form. That’s to say the LinkedIn algorithm will never detect you’re using automation to execute actions on LinkedIn.


Advanced LinkedIn Search

When mining data on LinkedIn, you need to search for profiles and we’ve stated that LinkedIn limits the number of searches for every user.

You want to find a tool that can conduct the searches safely before mining leads or any data. LiProspect has advanced search features that enable searching for any data you’re looking for on LinkedIn. The tool is capable of searching millions of profiles without placing your account at risk.


Sending Follow up messages

After mining leads or data, you might want to contact some of these prospects based on the qualification of your candidates.

Sending follow-up messages is even more time-consuming than mining the data on the platform. LiProspect can schedule and send personalized follow-up messages to your target prospect without you lifting a finger.


Detecting replies

LiProspect isn’t just a typical automation software that keeps repeating the same task without rules, when you send multiple messages on LinkedIn, and the prospect replies back, you want to stop sending follow-up messages and then take over with manual response.

The cloud-based software will stop sending follow-up messages after a reply is detected. This is an impressive feature you don’t want to miss in any LinkedIn tool and you can hardly find it on other tools.


Automating your actions

After mining data on LinkedIn for businesses and professionals, you might want to start sending connection requests to the profiles and it’s a tiresome thing to do.

LiProspect allows you to accomplish these tasks without doing it yourself, you can start sending connection requests on complete autopilot.

You can auto view profiles; A lot of LinkedIn users are monitoring who’s viewing their profile and they’ll eventually connect with those users because it’s a sign they’re interested in their career.

Another action you can automate is sending sequences; LiProspect allows creating unlimited campaigns so that you can send your sequences for every campaign. There are lots of tasks to automate using this powerful tool and the tool will work for you while you sleep.


Get Insights

Every reasonable person wants to track their campaign on any platform, it’s always good to monitor your performance results so that you can improve the ones that aren’t performing well.

With LiProspect, you have all the insight you need, check the results of your campaigns and make comparisons to identify the best-performing ones and then duplicate the same results on other campaigns as well.


Add and manage multiple LinkedIn accounts

If you’re into data mining business you’ll definitely need more than one LinkedIn account or you’ll end up running multiple accounts for clients.

This is where you’ll find this tool helpful because you can add multiple accounts and run them together in your account dashboard with ease using LiProspect.


You’re not restricted to the number of campaigns

When it comes to campaigns as well, you’re not restricted. Add as many campaigns as you can and you can run A/B testing to compare the results.

You’ll definitely need more than one campaign when extracting leads from LinkedIn and LiProspect removes any campaign limitation barrier for business.

There are lots of awesome benefits for using LiProspect, whether you want to extract contact details from a profile or just want to mine other data, you’ll definitely find LiProspect very resourceful.

This is a must-have tool for LinkedIn prospecting individuals and it’s our top recommendation for anyone that wants to save time and at the same time doesn’t want to risk their LinkedIn account.


  • SalesIntel Chrome Extension

This is the second tool we recommend when it comes to mining data from LinkedIn, it’s free to use but it’s not as advanced as LiProspect we talked about when it comes to lead generation.

This tool doesn’t offer many features and there is manual work involved because you’ll have to open the profile page on your chrome browser and then you have to click on the extension to extract the data for you.

You’ll have to do this for every profile page, if doing this isn’t a problem for you, you can choose to go with this browser extension.

Just head over to the chrome store and install SalesIntel by searching for it, once you install it in your browser, you then visit the profile page you wish to export contact information associated with the page.

They have a database of contacts and they can easily trace the contact of that page as long as it’s not hidden by the profile owner.



This is more of an email finder and it can work on various sites but it has LinkedIn integration. It’s capable of finding leads or contact information and the email of your prospects.

There is the free option which comes with a lot of limitations and there are three paid plans, namely; Growth, Professional, and Enterprise. One of the benefits of using leadLeaper is its intuitive interface, it has great reporting capabilities and has excellent tracking.

The downside of this tool is when scraping a large list, it will end up being inaccurate. It has been around since 2015 and that’s a tool you can rely on.

These are some of the best tools you can use to mine data on LinkedIn, their algorithm is very strict and they have a strong anti-mining/scraping system that ensures no tool or automation scrapes data on their platform.

There are only a few data mining and extraction tools in the market, the moment a new tool is released, LinkedIn will ensure that it’s blocked.

LiProspect is a tool that’s still active in the market and will help you in every aspect of your LinkedIn promotion, whether it’s Lead generation or marketing, you’ll find LiProspect very handy.

Before using any data mining tool, make sure to check for reviews online and ensure that they’re offering free trials so that you can always run a test and see if it’s safe before investing your money.

LiProspect has a free 7-day trial offer that allows users to enjoy all their features before they decide to purchase the tool.

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